Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Solar Trajectory Diagram

     For my solar trajectory project I found a wooden post that measured 3ft. 31/2in. tall.  I stuck the post in the ground in a field behind my building that allowed the sun to cast a shadow without being blocked by any trees or other objects.  On March 6th, I measured the shadows cast by the sun at three different times: 8:00 A.M., 10:45 A.M., and 5:00 P.M.  Also at each of these times, I used a compass to measure the direction that the sun was shining.  I then used special graphing paper to plot my measured points and measure the solar trajectory for that day.  After taking a closer look, my professor and I realized that the graphing paper I used had been printed wrong and was actually a mirror image of what it should be. I have included a picture of my trajectory below.

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